What are the benefits of American ginseng to the body?

What are the benefits of American ginseng to the body?

American ginseng, also known as American ginseng, not only has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing yin, but also helps clear away heat and fire. It is especially suitable for people with excessive fire and yin deficiency, such as those who often stay up late, are stressed, and are easily resentful. Because American ginseng is on the cooler side among many ginseng types, these types of people are not afraid of getting hot and cold when taking American ginseng. For example, drinking American ginseng, dendrobium, and lean meat soup can nourish yin, reduce fire, and remove deficiency heat. People with cold or weak constitutions who often have cold hands and feet and are prone to diarrhea should not take American ginseng.
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